We are committed to the promotion of local products.
Membership to Sunshine Coast Tourism and Port Alfred Business Forum ensures:
PROMOTION: Full membership to Tourism + Business Forum Display your brochures in our offices Full listing on our website Free access to our social media platforms Promotion / assistance with all events Pursue funding for tourism projects Co-operative marketing with ECape products | REFERRAL: Our offices are information centres for public and visiting tourists Affiliate membership of Kenton/Bushmans Tourism and Chamber of Business We recommend your business / services Any special offers sent to our entire database Affiliate membership of P.E. B+B Association |
NETWORKING / INFORMATION DISBURSEMENT: Invitations to all our networking events Updates on any infrastructural issues that may affect your business Updates on any disaster management issues Updates on any special offers / business assistance packages available Updates on outcomes of all representations | REPRESENTATION ON: Municipal Platforms Trade Shows Consumer Shows Provincial, District and National Tourism platforms SA Business Council platforms Provincial business platforms |
How does it work and what would be required from you?
An annual subscription fee R700 p.a. (January – December 2023)
Add links to all your social media / online platforms- R350 p.a.
(Total R1050 per annum).
Please join our team – together we can make a difference Application form attached: