Baie Dankie Donkey (Donkey Bingo)
R180pp includes supper at 7.30pm and bingo cards (additional cards R10ea), BYOB and glass. Event is a fundraiser for Rescued Donkeys. The Stage, little theatre on the green, Bathurst. For […]
R180pp includes supper at 7.30pm and bingo cards (additional cards R10ea), BYOB and glass. Event is a fundraiser for Rescued Donkeys. The Stage, little theatre on the green, Bathurst. For […]
All welcome. Guido's, Port Alfred. Info: WhatsApp: 072 620 5435.
Free entry. Cash Bar and menu available. The Goat Shed, Kenton.
1950's vibes! The Ploughman Pub, Trappes St, Bathurst. Info: 066 285 0605.
Celebrate with Summerhill, Bathurst. Free entry. Cash bar/menu.
Live music with Greg Short over Sunday Lunch. Graze by the River, van der Riet Street, Port Alfred. Booking essential: Call/W/App: 063 644 3878.
R180pp. The Stage, little theatre on the green, Bathurst. Bookings W/App: 072 215 2727.
NG Kerk, Alexandria. Info: 082 824 6544/072 040 1255.
R50pp, R10pp children 12 years and under. Trails of 2.5km, 4km & 7km available. Meet outside the Pig & Whistle, Bathurst. Info/bookings: W/App 083 413 5050.
Free entry. Cash bar and menu available. R72 Saloon, Port Alfred. Info: 046 624 1088.
An interview with author Paul Skelton by Sandy Ferrer. Don Powis Hall, Settlers Retirement Village, Port Alfred. Info: 083 678 5055.
Free. Boknes Beach carpark - meet at the recycling Fish. Info: 076 765 5949.