
Boknesstrand Annual Classic Car Show

Free entry. Boknes Fuel & Quickshop, Daniel Scheepers St, Boknes. More info:  WhatsApp - 083 777 9081/083 388 3148.

Summerhill Bring n Braai

Free entry. Fires lit at 12 noon, Summerhill Inn, Bathurst (Big Pineapple). Bring your picnic basket/meat, chairs, etc. Info: 074 480 9988.

NSRI Station 11 Golf Day

R350 per player, includes free goodie bag and golf shirt. Betterball Stableford format. Great prizes. Bookings RPAGC 046 624 4196.

Oktoberfest at the Pig

We're bringing the Bavarian spirit to Bathurst with a lineup of craft beers that'll make you want to shout "Prost!" Feast your eyes and tummies on our delicious Eisbein, served up with all the traditional trimmings. And get your dancing shoes ready for live music with Charl Francis! Our beer garden will be transformed into […]

Oktoberfest Karaoke

Dress to impress and you could win a prize. The Ploughman Pub, Trappes Rd, Bathurst.

Moon – The Music of the NIght

Join us for a night with ''Moon'' a dark pop-rock trio fronted by Marcia Moon. Atmospheric songs from the 80s and 90s, Alphaville, Laura Branigan, Tears for Fears, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Nirvana and originals in both Afrikaans and English. On synthesizer Anne Katz, and Gerhard Germishuizen on bass. Closing act is Starbound, two alternative young […]

Graze Wine Club – Stellenrust Wines

R175pp. Includes a snack platter per table. Graze by the River, van der Riet Street, Port Alfred. Booking essential. We’ll be tasting the fabulous Wines from Stellenrust Wines of Stellenbosch. This family owned Estate was founded in 1928 and boasts a variety of excellent cultivars due to the varied terroir of the Estates’ 400ha of […]

Alicia Live

Alicia will be performing at The Wharf St Pub & Grill in Port Alfred. Book a table: 066 220 0441.