Youth Day Vibes with Mr Thela

…🔥hay Thela, Thela hayiii 🎶 …. Sun Jun 16, doors open @ 1PM, Mr Thela in the house… Emzini Lifestyle Centre, Bathurst. Tickets contact: 073 129 4767. Dj line up & more info TBC… don’t stress Monday is a public holiday🔥🔥🔥 save 💴 now🙌🏾.

Rubber Duc LIVE

R120pp. At the Red Apple, Bushmans River. Info: 079 739 9223.

Winter Solstice Swim

Annual winter solstice swim at Middle Beach, Kenton-on-Sea. More info - Kenton tourism office - 046 648 2411

50th Annual Arts Festival

50 Years of the National Arts Festival (Makhanda/Grahamstown). In 2024 the National Arts Festival marks 50 amaz!ng years of providing a platform for experimentation, protest, collaboration, celebration and expression. The National Arts Festival has been collectively created by thousands of artists, performers, producers, actors, directors, stagehands, curators, technical crew, stallholders, entrepreneurs, creators, staff, board members […]