Emnyameni Music Festival

Save the Date: Annual Emnyameni Music Festival, D Mbele Stadium, Alexandria. Details to follow. Info: 067 187 7268.  

Kenton Krufts

A fundraiser for Eku Paws. Enter your doggie into this fun Dog Show. Register at the Kenton Tourism Office. Info: 071 289 1276.

Who Invited Karen LIVE

R150pp tickets on Quicket. The Goat Shed, Kenton. Info: 082 808 5976.

Summerhill Bring n Braai

Free entry. Fires lit at 12 noon, Summerhill Inn, Bathurst (Big Pineapple). Bring your picnic basket/meat, chairs, etc. Info: 074 480 9988.

NSRI Station 11 Golf Day

R350 per player, includes free goodie bag and golf shirt. Betterball Stableford format. Great prizes. Bookings RPAGC 046 624 4196.

October Fest

Pig & Whistle, Bathurst. Bookings: 046 625 0673.