Annual Amazwi Challenge

Amazwi Challenge - Rubber Ducks (annual boat race), Tennis Championship, & Trail Run events held in Port Alfred - 27 to 29 Sept. Info: 082 459 1627.

Emnyameni Music Festival

Save the Date: Annual Emnyameni Music Festival, D Mbele Stadium, Alexandria. Details to follow. Info: 067 187 7268.  

Summerhill Bring n Braai

Free entry. Fires lit at 12 noon, Summerhill Inn, Bathurst (Big Pineapple). Bring your picnic basket/meat, chairs, etc. Info: 074 480 9988.

NSRI Station 11 Golf Day

R350 per player, includes free goodie bag and golf shirt. Betterball Stableford format. Great prizes. Bookings RPAGC 046 624 4196.

October Fest

Pig & Whistle, Bathurst. Bookings: 046 625 0673.

Family Quiz Drive

R100 per car. Entry forms - Ian 027 727 7382 / Horst 083 778 8175. Lots of prizes to be won. Staggered start from 10.30am. Depart AVCMC Museum, Hawkins Rd […]