Pub Quiz

Ploughman Pub, Bathurst. R60 per team of 4 people. Registration at 6pm, Quiz starts at 6.30pm. Info/Bookings: 084 580 1826

Artist Get-Together

At Artist on the Verandah. R50pp. Tel: 082 888 3206.

Long Lunch Sunday

Kingston Farm. Bookings:

Aden Hinds LIVE

The Sandbar Floating Restaurant, Bushmans.

SCT/PABF Networking Evening

Join the Sunshine Coast Tourism and Port Alfred Business Forum for a networking evening: Festive Season review. RSVP: to book your seat.

Curry Night

At Kenton Asian, Kenton-on-Sea. R280pp. Bookings: 079 620 4998.

Talk – Squandering or Saving our Heritage

Friends of Waters Meeting invites you to their talk - Squandering or saving our Heritage; prickly questions about where thicket occurred. Pike's Post at The Ploughman Pub, Bathurst. Info:

Bridge Lessons

Do you want to learn to play bridge? Port Alfred Country Club. Info: 046 624 3757.